(라이브 아카데미) 자주 쓰는 어휘 연결 ⤴give a rundown / do an analysis공부STUDY _review 2022. 1. 13. 10:19728x90반응형
#라이브아카데미 #영어회화 #연습가이드
라이브 아카데미 I can give you a quick rundown right now, but the website provides a very detailed description of the entire process.That will give you a much better understanding, so I suggest you take a look at that.
A: Can you walk us through the process?
B: Well, that'll take
I'll walk you through the process right now but I suggest that you
I'll give you a quick rundown just to give you an idea of how things will move forward.The website provides a much more detailed description of the process.
That'll give you a much better idea of
I'll give you a quick rundown right now, but you should really take a look at the website.It provides very detailed instructions for each step.
It'll give you a much better idea(understanding) of the entire process.
지금 간략하게 정리를 해드리겠지만 웹사이트를 꼭 한 번 보세요.각 단계를 위한 안내가 자세히 나오거든요.
전체 과정에 대해서 이해가 훨씬 잘 될 거예요.
1. give (someone) a (quick) rundown (of something)
2. provide (detailed) instructions (for something)
3. give (someone) a better idea(understanding) of
I did a little digging online and I actually found a few places that might work.So, I did a quick comparison between them and I've narrowed it down to these two.
If you'd like, I can do a more thorough analysis of each one and give you my top pick.
제가 좀 알아봤는데요 적합할 만한 곳을 사실 몇 군데 찾았어요.그래서 간략해서 비교를 해서 이 두 곳으로 좁혀 봤는데 원하시면
제가 각각을 좀 더 자세히 분석해서 가장 좋다고 생각하는 곳을 꼽아드릴 수 있어요.
1. do (a little) digging : (정보 따위를 찾기 위해) 캐다
2. do (a quick) comparison (between some things)
3. do (a thorough) analysis (of something)728x90반응형'공부STUDY _review' 카테고리의 다른 글
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