원어민이 아니면 제대로 쓰기 힘든 감정 표현들공부STUDY _review 2023. 9. 11. 09:37728x90반응형
원어민이 아니면 제대로 쓰기 힘든 감정 표현들(원어민만 아는 미묘한 뉘앙스 정리❤)
1-1: I'm angry 보다 훨씬 더 강하게 다가오는 I'm disappointed.
1-2: 진짜 무슨 상황인지 이해가 안 돼 혼란스러울 때도 쓰지만 말도 안 되는 상황에 화나고 짜증 났을 때 꾹 참으며
I'm confused.
2: 꼭 큰 잘못이나 죄를 진게 아니어도 마음에 걸리는 일, 후회나 미안한 마음이 들 때
I feel guilty.
3: 아쉬운, 딱한, 애석한 일에 It's a shame.출처: 구슬쌤
화났을 때 angry, furious, mad??
#1: I'm disappointed. 실망했어/실망스러워.
*옥스퍼드 사전: upset because something you hoped for has not happened or been as good, successful, etc. as you expected.
<크게 사고 친 학생에게>
I'm really disappointed in you, Cady.
I'm disappointed.
*특히 서로 좋은 관계를 유지하는 게 중요한 상황에서 씀.
*실망스럽다는 건 강한 표현이기에 정말 극적인 상황에서 써야 함.
*상대에게 실망했다는 걸 직설적으로 표현할 땐 I'm disappointed in you.
I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed.
*Calm Sage: My biggest fear is when my loved one responds with, "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" whenever I make a mistake.
A: You are angry.
B: No, I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed.
A: Disappointed?
Oh, God, that's worse than angry.
말도 안되는 상황에 짜증 나거나 화났을 때 최대한 화를 꾹 참고 쓰는
I'm confused.
*Collins 사전: If you are confused, you do not know exactly what is happening or what to do.
I'm confused.
*기본적인 사용법: 진짜 어떤 상황인지, 뭐가 뭔지 잘 몰라 혼란스러울 때
<진짜 무슨 상황인지 이해가 안 돼 혼란스러울 때>
A: I'm sorry. Who called you?
B: Some lady. She said it was urgent.
A: I'm confused.
Let me call my secretary and see what's going on.
I'm confused.
*추가 사용법: 상대가 뚱딴지 같은 소리를 할 때 최대한 짜증이나 화를 꾹 참으며 지금 상황이 이해가 되지 않는다며
Why does it say $5500 here?
I'm confused.
<전례가 있었던 직원이 이번에도 부정한 방법으로 고객을 유치한 것 같자>
I'm confused. You got 24 new clients from this one response?
A: You lied to me.
B: I'm confused. How did I lie to you?
<늘 뜻이 같던 사람이 중요한 순간에 갑자기 마음을 바꾸자>
I'm confused.
Is something else going on here?
A: That deal fell through.
B: I thought it was a done deal.
I'm confused.
<당연히 자기가 승진할거라 생각한 상황에서>
A: I don't know if you are the right person for this position.
B: I'm sorry, what? I'm confused.
A: I don't understand how this happened to me three times just this week.
I'm really confused.
B: I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
<상대가 자꾸 말도 안되는 소리를 하자>
A: I think that would be inappropriate. This is for public.
B: I'm sorry. I'm confused.
Are you not a member of the public?
<두 번 데이트한 썸녀가 아내처럼 얘기하자>
Sorry. I'm confused.
We've been on, like, two dates.
#2: I feel guilty. 마음에 걸려, 잘못했다고/미안하다고 생각해.
*캠브릿지 사전: If you feel guilty, you feel that you have done something wrong.
*사전에 나온 예문: I feel so guilty about forgetting your birthday.
'죄책감 들어'로 익숙한 I feel guilty.
I feel guilty for lying to her.
I feel guilty for skipping class.
I feel guilty for skipping my workout.
<우리끼리만 일등석 타서 좀 미안하다며>
- I feel a little guilty sitting up here without the family.
- I don't.
guilty pleasure 죄책감이 드는 즐거움.
*위키피디아: A guilty pleasure is something, such as a film, a television program, a piece of music, or an activity, that one enjoys despite understanding that is it not generally held in high regard, or is seen as unusual or weird.
- What is your guilty pleasure?
- Shake Shack.
A: Why do you even watch that show?
B: Leave me alone. It's my guilty pleasure.
<마카로니로 만든 초상화>
- Are those macaroni portraits?
- They're my guilty pleasure.
<아이들에게 햄버거를 주며>
I feel guilty giving it to my kids.
<사생활이 안 좋은 가수의 음악을 좋아하며>
I like his music, and I feel guilty about it.
A: I feel guilty for ordering a pizza.
I'm supposed to be on a diet.
B: Well, it's our cheat day.
#3: It's a shame. 아쉽다.
(a) shame 애석한/딱한/아쉬운/유감스러운 일
*캠브릿지 사전: an unlucky or disappointing situation.
*롱맨 사전: (spoken) used when you wish a situation was different, and you feel sad or disappointed.
It's a shame you can't join us for a drink.
<일정이 겹쳐 못 온다니 아쉽다며>
- It's a shame you won't be.
- Oh, I'll be there to help with the set-up.
It's a shame you can't make it to the wedding.
<전체적인 모습을 보여줄 수 없어 아쉽다며>
It's a shame I can't show you the entire object.
<실력이 뛰어난 직원이 그만두자 아쉽다며>
- It's a shame, though, Torres.
I had.. I had such big plans for you. Big plans.
A: It's a shame that you have to leave so soon.
B: I know, I wish I could stay longer, but I have an early day tomorrow.반응형
<가고 싶지만 오늘은 일정상 힘들다며>
- So, can we go?
- I wish I could, but I can't swing it today, but maybe your dad can.
<추석 다음날로 그냥 건너 뛸 수 있으면 좋을 텐데>
- I wish we could just jump to the day after Thanksgiving.
- Black Friday.
A: It's a shame that John got let go today.
B: I know. It's a real shame.
<만 이천명의 사람들을 해고해야하는 유감스러운 일>
A: It's 12,000 jobs.
B: I know, it's a shame.
A: Those people are my friends.
B: I'm not here to debate this, Peter.
<(친구에게 일어난 일) 범인을 못 잡아 안타깝다며>
A: Have they caught the guy?
B: No.
A: Sorry to hear that.
B: Yeah, it is a shame.
<동료가 사고로 세상을 떠나자>
A: It's a shame. It's a terrible shame.
B: Yes, a terrible, terrible shame.
A: She will be missed.728x90반응형'공부STUDY _review' 카테고리의 다른 글
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