7월 강의 정리 + 복습 + 응용연습 (라이브 아카데미 토들러)공부STUDY _review 2021. 8. 3. 10:30728x90반응형
#라이브아카데미토들러 #기초영어회화
라이브 아카데미 토들러 Where should I put this?
이거 어디에 둘까?
Just put it on the desk.그냥 책상에 둬.
Are you going to leave this here?이거 그냥 두고 가려고?
Why not?왜?
You should always carry your phone.핸드폰은 항상 가지고 다녀야지.
Here, hold this for a second.이거 잠깐 들고 있어봐.
Let's go.
Hold on. Let me just grab my wallet.-
Where's Kim?
I just got off the phone with her. She says she's on her way.
Did you talk to Kim?
About an hour ago. She said she was on her way.
A: Kim says she's going to be late.
B: That's weird. We spoke on the phone about an hour ago. She told me she was on her way.
"I'll wait here."
I said I would wait here.
I told her I would wait here.
"I'll wait here."
She says she'll wait there.
That's weird. She said she would wait here.
That's weird. She told me she would wait here.
"I'm going to take the test again next year."
He says he's going to take the test again next year.
He said he was going to take the test again next year.
That's weird. He told me he was going to take the test again next year.
It's really hot outside. I was out for just a few minutes and I was sweating like crazy.
The heat is giving me a headache.
The airconditioning is giving me a headache.
You gotta be careful not to get heat exhaustion.
You gotta open the windows and let some(the) air in once in a while.728x90반응형'공부STUDY _review' 카테고리의 다른 글
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