구슬쌤: 복잡한 감정을 표현할 때 Part of me를 쓰세요(end up, explore까지 정리)공부STUDY _review 2024. 8. 7. 09:51728x90반응형
복잡한 감정을 표현할 때 Part of me를 쓰세요(end up, explore까지 정리)
1. end up: 결국 ~하게 되다/끝내 ~상황에 처하게 되다
- You might end up regretting it, so just think it through.
2. 복잡한 감정상태를 표현할 때 part of me:
내 마음 한 구석은, 한편으로는, 내심
- Part of me knew this would happen.
3. explore: 자세히 조사하다, 잘 알아보다
- We can explore other options.
1. end up: 결국 ~하게 되다/끝내 ~상황에 처하게 되다
*롱맨 사전: to be in a particular situation, state, or place after a series of events, especially when you did not plan it.
I ended up working the whole weekend.
Well, I ended up staying at work all night.
A: Did you end up buying it?
B: No, it ended up being too expensive.
<결국 엄청 크게 싸웠다며>
We ended up getting in a huge fight.
A: How was the meeting?
B: It started off a bit rocky, but we ended up meeting halfway.
*meet in the middle (서로 조금씩 양보해) 합의/타협하다
<데이트가 어땠는지 묻자>
It started off a bit rocky, but it ended up being really fun.반응형
<결국 꽤 좋은 저녁을 보냈다며>
It ended up being rather a nice evening.
You might end up regretting it, so just think it through.
*Collins 사전: If you think a situation through, you consider it thoroughly, together with all its possible effects or consequences.
<도움이 되긴 커녕 오히려 피해만 입힐 수도 있다며>
We might end up doing more harm than good.
It ended up not being important.
It ended up not mattering.
<결국 셔츠가 중요한 게 아니더라고>
- Protect the shirt at all costs.
- The shirt actually ended up not mattering.
I am apparently not a qualified candidate.
2. 복잡한 감정상태를 표현할 때 part of me: 내 마음 한 구석은, 한편으로는, 내심
A: Do you trust her?
B: Part of me does, but the other part doesn't
Part of me does, but part of me doesn't
<내심 그게 효과가 없길/먹혀들지 않길 바랐지만>
Part of me didn't want it to work, but it did.
A: Are you disappointed that he called off the project?
B: To be completely honest, part of me was relieved.
My hands are full already.
<상대가 없는 동안 동생과 더 시간을 보낼 수 있게 돼 한편으로는 안심했다며>
It's a horrible thing to say, I know, but when I heard you were in a plane crash, part of me was relieved.
And I'm so sorry, but it gave me more time with my brother.
Part of me knew this would happen.
It's never been normal, Mom, and I think part of me has always known that.
A: Why didn't you tell me?
B: Well, part of me thought it might end up being okay.
<한편으로는 그냥 해버릴까란 생각도 든다며>
Part of me keeps thinking maybe I should just do it.
Part of me thinks that Tyler is absolutely marriage material, and I was willing to explore that.
marriage material: 결혼감
management material: 경영진감
leadership material: 리더감
<프로젝트 매니저감>
- Maybe you're not project manager material.
- It's okay. Moving up isn't for everyone.
- I can do it. I can do it. I CAN do it.
3. explore: 탐구/분석하다, 자세히 조사하다, 잘 알아보다
*캠브릿지 사전: to think about, talk about, or study something, or to experience it, in order to find out more about it.
여러 옵션들을 자세히 알아보고 검토할 때
explore + options
We should think through and explore our options.
- We can explore other options.
<선택지를 알아보라고 승인 받음>
So this is what we've proposed, got the green light to go ahead and explore some options.
A: I don't think that would work.
B: It's okay. We can explore other options.
We'll keep exploring other options.
We will find a solution, okay?
A: Have you made a decision?
B: Not yet. I'm still exploring my options.
- So, you're looking to retire?
- Well, right now, I'm just exploring all my options.
explore + idea
*Collins 사전: If you explore an idea or suggestion, you think about it or comment on it in detail, in order to assess it carefully.
Part of me wants to explore that idea, but the other part wants to play it safe.
*play it safe: (위험을 피해) 안전하게 하다, 조심스럽게 행동하다
<해외 지사로 간다며 어떻게 될까 생각하며 만든 자료>
And Just to explore the idea, here's a spreadsheet I made for the next year.728x90반응형'공부STUDY _review' 카테고리의 다른 글
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