원어민도 헷갈려하는 Affect vs. Effect 공부공부STUDY _review 2023. 6. 22. 10:20728x90반응형
원어민도 헷갈려하는 Affect vs. Effect 끝판왕 강의. 더 이상 헷갈리지 마세요.
1. 동사 affect: 영향을 미치자
- You shouldn't let your love life affect your work.
2. 명사 effect: 결과, 영향, 효과를
- Cutting down on drinking will only have a positive effect on your health.
*effect change:변화를 일으키다
- This new management may effect change in our compnay culture.
3. influence: 간접적인 영향
- You're such a bad influence.출처: 구슬쌤
affect: 주로 동사로 쓰임
effect: 주로 명사로 쓰임
*Merriam-Webster 사전: Affect is usually a verb, and effect is usually a noun.
1. affect 영향을 미치다
*롱맨 사전: to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone's situation
We argue all the time. It's so stressful.
It's even affecting my work.
Clearly, I need to talk about it.
It's affecting my work.
You shouldn't let your love life affect your work.
Try not to let it affect your work.출처: 구슬쌤
I value your opinion, but it won't affect my decision (at this time).
Just to be clear, this will in no way influence me.
It won't affect my decision.
I hope this disagreement won't affect our relationship.
We've never collaborated professionally before.
Are you worried it might affect our relationship?
It won't affect my decision at all.
= It won't have any effect on my decision at all.
2. effect 결과, 영향, 효과
*옥스포드 사전: a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause
A: What are some most common side effects of that medication?
B: It mat affect your mood.
It may also affect your ability to focus.
This medication may have side effects that can affect your daily life.
<새로운 치료법을 얘기하며>
- He says it is 90% effective.
- Are there any side effects?출처: 구슬쌤
His speech affected the stock market, and its effects were immediate.
<affect와 effect를 쉽게 기억할 수 있도록 그림으로 표현한 걸 설명하며>
A: The special effects affect him.
B: Was it effective?
A: It was effective, not affective, yes.
This new policy will affect all employees, and its effects will be closely monitored.
Well, it can have a huge effect because hearing affects everything that we do.
have an effect on ~에 영향을 미치다/효과를 나타내다
have a significant/huge effect on: ~에 엄청난/큰 영향을 미치다
have a positive effect on: ~에 긍정적인 영향을 미치다
have a negative effect on: ~에 부정적인 영향을 미치다
Cutting down on drinking/smoking/sugar will only have a positive effect on your health.
<상대에겐 안 좋지만 나에겐 좋다며>
Has the opposite effect on me.출처: 구슬쌤
Great marketing will have a powerful effect on sales.
It has a tremendous effect on an organization.
*Merriam-Webster 사전: Effect can be a verb.
As a verb, effect generally mans "to cause to come into being" or "accomplish."
예) The strike effected change within the company.
This new management may effect change in our compnay culture.
I think I can effect change.
3. influence (누군가의 행동이나 사고, 상황에) 영향을 주다, 영향을 미치다
*Merriam-Webster 사전: the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways: sway
*Collins 사전: If you influence someone, you use your power to make them agree with you or do what you want.
어원: in - 'into' + fluere 'to flow' 스며드는 느낌
You seem like you'd be good at making friends, goot at influencing people.출처: 구슬쌤
I am a fan. Your work has profoundly influenced my research.
상대가 나로 하여금 안 좋은 결정을 내리게 할 때
You're such a bad influence.
<탄수화물 줄이려고 했는데 이렇게 맛있는 빵을 만들면 먹을 수밖에 없잖아>
You're a bad influence on me because I'm trying to stay away from bread, but...
<아들의 친구가 마음에 안 든다고 할 때도>
A: I don't like them going over to that kid's house.
B: Why not?
A: Xander's a bad influence.728x90반응형'공부STUDY _review' 카테고리의 다른 글
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