
  • 미드, 영화에 지겹도록 나오는 일상 회화 표현 3개(low-maintenance, high-maintenance, put together, be on the line)
    공부STUDY _review 2023. 6. 21. 13:35

    미드, 영화에 지겹도록 나오는 일상 회화 표현 3개(low-maintenance, high-maintenance, put together, be on the line)

    1. low-maintenance: 손이 많이 안 가는, 유지 비용이 많이 안 드는
       high-maintenance: 세심한 관리가 필요한, 손이 많이 가는
    2. put together (형용사) 정돈된/완성된, 단정한/말끔한
    - It's impressive. it's very well put together.
    3. on the line: 위태로운
    - We need to make things right. Our reputation is on the line.


    출처: 구슬쌤

    1-1. low-maintenance 손이 많이 안가는, 유지 비용이 많이 안 드는
    *Collins 사전: If you describe something or someone as low-maintenance, you mean that they require very little time, money, or effort to look after them.

    maintain: 유지하다
    maintenance: 유지
    [메인(으)넌 ㅅ]
    [메인터넌 ㅅ]

    <(시설 유지/보수) 관리실에 연락해 보는 게 좋겠다며>
    - Maybe we should call maintenance.
    - Yeah, I don't think it's down here.

    Said it was for maintenance.

    It's a low-maintenance car.

    <관리하기가 쉬운 헤어스타일>
    It's simple, low-maintenance, and always in style.

    It's a low-maintenance plant.
    You just have to water it every other week.

    <사무실엔 크게 신경쓰지 않아도 되는, 관리하기 쉬운 식물을 놓는 걸 추천한다며>
    So it's good to focus on plants that have low-maintenance needs.

    She's very low-maintenance.
    *옥스퍼드 사전: not demanding a great deal of attention; independent

    Rory's not gonna be a problem.
    She's totally low-maintenance.
    You know, like a Hyundai.


    출처: 구슬쌤

    1-2. high-maintenance 세심한 관리가 필요한, 손이 많이 가는
    *Collins 사전: If you describe something or someone as high-maintenance, you mean that they require very little time, money, or effort to look after them.

    It's a high-maintenance car.
    It's a high-maintenance plant.

    This god is not only expensive but also high-maintenance.

    She's very high-maintenance.
    You're a little high-maintenance.

    He only eats organic and wears luxury brands.
    He's very high-maintenance.

    <좀 까다롭게 들릴 수 있는데>
    This is gonna sound sort of high-maintenance, but could we have it like 3 degrees cooler in here?
    I always think better when it's cooler.


    출처: 구슬쌤

    2-1. put together 모으다, 준비하다.
    *Collins 사전: If you put together an agreement, plan, or product, you design and create it.

    *than the rest put together 나머지를 합친 것보다
    *롱맨 사전 more... than the rest/the others/everything else put together: used to say that one amount is greater than the total of a set of amounts

    John brought in more revenue than the rest of the team put together.

    I know her better than both of you put together.

    2-2. put together (형용사) 정돈된/완성된, 단정한/말끔한
    *Freedictionary.com: sophisticated and polished in appearance due to one's attentiveness to fashion and grooming.

    <평소와 달리 깔끔한/정돈된 모습이 아닐 때>
    You're usually so put together.

    He carries himself well.
    He's very put together.

    You have such a beautiful family.
    So well put together!

    You seem very kind, very well put together.

    Mom, you always look very put together.
    You look very put together.


    출처: 구슬쌤

    정말 잘 구성, 준비했을 때
    It's impressive.
    It's very well put together.

    That presentation was just phenomenal.
    It was.. It was very well put together.

    I think this is a very well put together conference.

    3. on the line 위태로운
    *Collins 사전: If something such as your job, career, or reputation is on the line, you may lose or harm it as a result of what you are doing or of the situation you are in.

    We need to make things right.
    Our reputation is on the line.


    출처: 구슬쌤

    This is serious.
    My reputation is on the line.

    Their reputation, their brand, is on the line, so they'll always take good care of you.

    A: How are you still on the fence?
    B: I wanna be sure.
       You know, this is our reputation on the line.

    I really need to close this deal.
    My incentive is on the line.

    My bonus is on the line.

    Now my job and my name are all on the line.

    If this goes south, my job will be on the line. 
    *롱맨 사전: If a situation, organization, or set of standards goes south, it becomes very bad although it was once very good.
             떨어지다, (상황이) 악화되다, 내리막길로 접어들다

    <네 평판을 위태롭게 하려던 건 아니었어>
    I never meant to put your reputation on the line.

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